Christians all over are hearing the Holy Spirit urging them to pray.

Intercessory prayer is what moves the heart and hand of God! I believe that praying Christians are being used of the Lord to turn back the tide of evil. And did you hear? Sales of Bibles are around 20 million each year (38 Bibles being sold each minute nationally). This is a really good sign.

If people would turn to God, read His Word, repent from sin, pray for our government leaders, for the salvation of this generation, for a supernatural spiritual awakening, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and pray for their family and friends, I believe that God will hear our cry as it says in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

There is no better time to begin than right now! Relatively few Christians consider themselves to be prayer intercessors. But they could become one. And is there not a cause?

The time is now for marriages to be restored, the next generation to turn to the Lord, and the global tide of evil to be turned back. Let's believe God to bring about a global end-time revival and heal our own land! Pray for physical healing and restoration, the growth and success of global missions and discipleship programs. But it all begins with us. If not us, then who?

"So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations: Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" ~~ Matthew 28:19 (GOD's WORD).

"pray without ceasing" ~~ 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

