A Red Sea Experience

When faced with obstacles in life, may we seek the Lord for His answer for each situation and then determine to follow His instructions.

I think of Moses and the Israelites at the Red Sea. We all know the story of how God told them not to go back to Egypt, but on the shores of the Red Sea to “stand still.” “But Moses said to the people, ‘Don’t be afraid. Stand your ground, and watch the Lord rescue you today.’” ~~ Exodus 4:13 (CEB).

Then the Hebrew people were to move forward. As Moses obeyed and stretched forth his rod over the sea, it parted, and the people were able to press forward through the sea on dry ground. They trusted God, and followed Moses and obeyed God’s instructions.  The Lord supernaturally intervened and delivered them from the Egyptians.

We too, are to obey the Lord in everything. So we press on, follow Him, love others as He loved us, we care for one another, we fellowship and work together, we impart His truth and pray for one another.

As God’s Kingdom people we become His ministers to make people whole again. Our calling is to walk by faith, expect miracles, and see God lead, guide, and direct our steps. We are forever pressing on until we get to our home in glory!

(Read Exodus 13:14-21.)


Married and One-Flesh

