Become Christlike

Centering our life in Jesus Christ and walking in His love and in the Spirit enable us to become Christlike.

The Bible says to “think on these things: love, joy, peace, having hope, and building our faith and trust in Christ.” And to that end, we need to ask ourselves if we even desire to truly become like our Savior. When the answer is “YES,” then single-minded devotion to Him, becomes easier.

Let’s counteract the evil in the world by focusing on Jesus, Who has set us free from worldly living.

Though Romans 3:23 says “All have sinned and fall short of God’s ideal,” yet when we are set apart to righteousness, we can confess our sins and trust God to forgive us and cleanse us. (1 John 1:9-10). Our dependence is upon God. He is the One Who makes us Christlike for His purposes and for our good. When Jesus was on earth, He said that He always did things pleasing to His Father (John 8:29).  And His instructions to us are to “Be holy, for I Am holy!” (1 Peter 1:15-17).

So we have a choice moment by moment— in our thought life, our words, and our actions. Resist the evil and choose godliness.


Can We Really Trust God? YES!


The Resurrected Life