Healing for Broken Hearts

Today I am again calling on the Lord out of a pure heart. I know the Lord is listening. He cares, and He loves me. I can’t go through life by “putting on a good face” when my heart has been broken. Like most of you, I commune with the Lord daily — meditating upon His Word. And I get real with my God.

There’s no superficiality and phony “happiness” when we are sorrowful. And God understands. He promises to give us His peace. My cries to Him are cries of faith, of trust, and of an ever-abiding hope and confidence in my God. And what is His reply to my lament? One of comforting me and filling me afresh with His Presence.  I can’t explain how God has turned my mourning into praise, but He has. The Lord is my joy and song.

And despite the consummate loss that I have felt this past year, I can truly say to Father God, as Jesus did: “Into Your hands I commit my spirit.” I am Yours! Lord. Heal me! Use me.


God Always Keeps His Promises


We Are the Salt of the Earth