Is God Your SOURCE?

Let me just come out and ask you point-blank, “Is God your Source?”  If He is not then you must consider yourself to be your own source.

When I was young, I was relatively poor.  My dad died when I was just nine years old. And I felt as a yo man that I needed to be responsible to be a leader in my home. I was not equipped to do that. I needed to be the strength for my unemployed mom and a leader and example to my younger brother who I loved so dearly. But I was just a skinny little kid. I had received Jesus as my Savior, but for those early years, I was trying to “pull myself up by my own boot straps” as the saying goes.

If you have been trying to do that, how’s it working for you? Yes, I earned money. I worked hard and saved my money. But it is as Haggai 1:6 put it: “You never have enough to eat or drink, your clothes don't keep you warm, and your wages are stored in bags full of holes.” (CEV) Or as God’s Word translates this: “You spend money as fast as you earn it.”

It’s only by God’s grace that I was able to attend Oral Roberts University. There I learned to put God first. It was there where I made Jesus Christ my Lord as well as my Savior. It was at ORU that God gave me a vision of my destiny and calling in life.

And that destiny seemed too big, too grand, seemingly impossible to be accomplished. I certainly knew that I couldn’t do it on my own. I had a little money, no influential friends or family, And I was starting at the bottom, serving small TV station.

But as I submitted myself to Christ and yielded my life to Him, Holy Spirit directed my steps, gave me Kathy, my godly wife. He went before us for all 50 years of our beautiful married life. God gave us to wonderful children who love Him and serve Him. God did more in and through my life than I ever dreamed of possible.

Did I become wealthy in this world goods? No. But we’ve always had enough. Truly God is, has been, and always will be the Source of my life. I owe it all to Him, I just want to testify that it’s worth it all to place your trust in God. He will bring you through.

And today I have wonderful godly friends, a support group, ministry called “VictoryInChrist.One” and I serve as a minister on the telephone to pray for people through my work at “”

Since my heart attack in December, my cardiovascular system has been restored. I feel stronger having greater vitality. God is using me in His kingdom. I may not be preaching or minister I g to thousands. But I am not comparing myself to anyone. God ministers through me to others “one on one.”

Christ is in me. He is my hope of glory. And He provides for all my needs. Today I give Him praise and all the honor and worship due His Name! Can you say amen?


Love One Another


We Exalt & Praise Our God