Looking Back & Ahead

Some of you younger folks are probably wondering what life was like “in the olden days.” How far back? Well, whether 35 or even 60 years back for us who lived then, living felt just like it does today. We didn’t have the conveniences we have now, and technology was primitive by today’s standards, but I felt like I do now— we were in the present and up-to-date with our contemporaries.  After all, who we really are is spirit. We are eternal. When you’re 80 or 90 you will feel inside the same as when you were young. Occasionally our bodies fail us as we age. But our spirits remain strong — trusting in the Lord. Thank You, Jesus!

I count it an honor to intercede in prayer for you on my prayer list. Folks, we need each other. And others need our prayers.

Amen. That’s all for today.


Scripture Choruses


I Have a New Heart!