The Pioneering Spirit

Dutch Sheets spoke about the pioneering spirit of the biblical patriarch Caleb last month. My life is from this same mold.  I am an ORU Alum who represents the Pioneer Classes. Put the name “Gene Steiner” in where you read Dutch’s words, for I am a pioneer in Christian media — now serving as a prayer minister with “ Ministries”

“Pioneers - forerunners of change - don’t always see the fullness of that for which they prepare the way. Their pioneering nature, however, just keeps building roads and blazing trails… America now needs another generation of selfless, no-compromising pioneer-patriots: prayer warriors, government leaders, businessmen and women, media people, educators, and certainly leaders in the church. The frontier these 21st-century pioneers must conquer is one of mindsets and beliefs,…the minefield we face is one of ideas and ideologies. But the need for different-spirited pioneers is every bit as great.”

Dutch concludes with this prayer:

“We will represent You, the glorious King, in all of Your majesty and authority. And we will release Your loving and servant’s heart, healing the hurting, releasing those bound, and taking hope to the hopeless. In Jesus’ Name, we pray and decree this. Amen.”




Billy Graham on 4th of July