The Salt of the Earth

The Bible says that Christians are “the salt of the earth.” (Matthew 5:13-16). But if we have lost our saltiness, how are we then effective in changing (or seasoning) our society and making it any better?

Believers have a special purpose for being in the world. We stand against the erosion of Kingdom values. We prevent society’s decay and descent into decadence. We fight against the tide of inhumanity and oppression.  In short, we are called to become Christlike and be Jesus’ examples as we go about our daily lives. We are “imitators of Christ” (Ephesians 5:1). We show forth His love and all none of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).

How do we become the salt of the Earth?  First of all, we need a vision from the Lord. Secondly, we need to be intentional on truly becoming Christlike. (And this involves a dying to self). And of course, we fortunately have the means by which we obtain and then maintain our saltiness. This is our full and total reliance, and trust in Holy Spirit to lead, guide us, and direct our thoughts, decisions, words, and actions every day. Unless we live our lives like this, we will have lost our saltiness, and the Bible says we would then end up being thrown out like tasteless salt! Can you say “AMEN”!?!


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