The twists and turns in life

Hairpin, dogleg, spiral, twist, and coils are a few terms used for tricky turns to navigate. And sometimes navigating these can be too intense! They’re not reserved, though, for just pro athletes. Some of us have experienced similar adventures in our own lives. Experience and observation teach us that God rarely leads us through our journey in a straight line going from Point A to Point B. We know that He’s always the same God, and that He still has good plans for us. But sometimes we encounter some unexpected and surprising twists and turns. Yet when we commit unfamiliar places to our Abba Father, even if that means trusting Him at a deeper level, we can rest knowing that our God doesn’t reshape the contour of our direction simply for His own entertainment or to toy with us! He will use each event to prepare us for things that still lie ahead.

So when our own path no longer looks familiar, we need to realize that God is busy getting us ready for good things yet to come. My prayer for us today is that we would not run from the unfamiliar when God is leading us into it. 

If we could always see and know everything about our future then how often would we truly trust in God? When we decide to take our hands off those things only He can oversee, then the uncharted unknown can become part of the landscape of blessing He has for us. The choice to trust and be fully led by Him is up to us. 

“I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress” ~~ Psalms 32:8 (TLB)




Don’t Be Terrified