Wait Upon God

We all have needs in our lives. And I’m sure you and I are similar in that we pray and believe and expect God to be true to His promise that He WILL meet ALL our needs.

Yet even though we are abiding in Christ and have His Spirit and the promises in the Word, often we must WAIT FOR Him. Our prayermay not be instantly answered. There usually is a waiting period. Sometimes there is a humbling that goes along with this. And then we must WAIT ON Him — like a waiter in a restaurant. We seek the Lord. We minister praises to Him. His promise is that He will come through for us. We can’t try to figure out in our own minds HOW or WHEN. We just KNOW that Jesus NEVER FAILS! We don’t try to achieve our desired results by our own ability.  Our trust is in the Lord – obviously. And He is guiding and directing our steps. He is our provider, and so we give Him praise.


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