Actualize the Promised Blessing

John 1:16 teaches us about Jesus’ finished work: “From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another.”

Therefore we HAVE these blessings. Jesus already paid the price! He finished His purpose for coming to earth. He gives us new life. When we believe, “We know that he listens to our requests. So we know that we already have what we ask him for.” ~~ 1 John 5:15 (NOG Bible).

So we actualize what God has already accomplished for us. It’s already OURS!

It’s a lie that “what we desire to obtain is on its way.” It’s already here. God wants to upgrade our thinking because He loves us that much.

“All of God lives in Christ's body, and God has made you complete in Christ.” ~~ Colossians 2:10.

Because we are complete IN HIM, therefore “we have ALL THINGS pertaining to life and godliness.”~~ 2 Peter 1:3 through our knowledge of Christ as revealed in His Word.

When we realize this, our faith defines that “on its way” is not even possible. It is faith “in the now,” not faith in the “it’s gonna happen.” This is God’s Word! Let’s get on board with what God has already done! His work is complete.


A Breakthrough of Understanding


No Need for a Breakthrough