A Breakthrough of Understanding

As believers, our faith sees our lives as being in God’s perfect plan and will. We rejoice that we can walk by faith. Everything in the Bible is there for us to seek out and find and understand so that we internalize that His Word is now part of our new DNA. In doing so we rightly divide the Word of truth.

We get a “Breakthrough of Understanding” of our position in Christ. Our expectation is of everything being finished! Of course it is biblical to expect! Oral Roberts taught us as students to “Expect A Miracle.”  This means that our divine awareness that all biblical faith is “only in the now.” Hope is not our strategy. Our faith is IN GOD… in the finished work of Christ.

Do we have promises from God? Absolutely! Salvation, healing, deliverance, peace are ours right now! We do not simply HOPE for an answer that appears to be delayed.

Our feeling of God being “out there somewhere” and that there is a distance between us and Him also is unbiblical. Even praying that God “would send His Holy Spirit” implies that God is distant — as is “praying for an open heaven.” Folks, HEAVEN IS OPEN. God is in us NOW. He can’t do something to be more present. God is already here! There is no distance. We don’t need to seek God as if we were asking Him to join us or come to us. He is here! Christ already dwells within us who believe! And He has empowered us to trust in Him.

Our faith acknowledges that our petition is ALREADY A REALITY when we ask, according to God’s will. We need to get our expectation in line with what Christ has already done; and we are thankful. We give Him a sacrifice of praise as we actualize our faith.


It Is Finished


Actualize the Promised Blessing