Grieving at Eastertime

This year, Easter feels quite different for me. Even though it’s been nine months since my precious Kathy died, facing Easter without her is a new hurdle. This week I have already experienced grieving once again; and that’s OK. Maybe you have lost someone close to you. I understand. We care about each other, but there’s nothing that anyone individually can do to make this all better. So we pray for one another and acknowledge our losses of those we loved so dearly. We’ll continue to include them in our lives as mutual friends and family. And we thank God for life itself and the time we had with the ones who are no longer with us. We must take all the time we need when grieving. There is no time limit. No shame. Only love and memories. But there is healing, too. And we do not allow a “spirit of grief and sorrow to overwhelm us” because Jesus took our griefs and nailed them to the cross. 

Our God is the God of the living. He made us alive in Christ; and when we pass from this life, we will just transition into eternity in spirit form. As we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection we know we will rejoice even more at His Second Coming when we will all rise having glorified bodies, and we’ll be with Christ eternally.


It’s Easter


Jesus’ Death at Calvary