The ORU Collegians

My brother John and I were part of an ORU World Action team called The Collegians. On our 2,500 mile tour we were able to minister to people individually. We allowed the life of the Lord Jesus to be manifest through our lives to those who desperately needed God.  We were that spark of hope to them. One man said, “ I don’t know what it is. The concert was great and all but you have something that I need. And we were able to lead several to salvation. This brought them joy, and it brought me a feeling of fulfillment and a desire to keep ministering to others all my life. The young, the aged, the despondent, the diseased… and we were the hands and the compassion of Jesus. We represented Him as their Savior.  I prayed, believing that God will touch their bodies, touch their hearts, save, and deliver them. Only God knows the results of all of our interaction with these nameless folks. God is the One Who drew them. God is the One that sent us.  I had a sense that I was about His business.

It was then that I decided that I was called to the global mission field… yes, using the media as a pioneer in Christian television ministry,… but how thankful I was that I could touch lives one-on-one while still a student at ORU. My love for the Lord and desire to be His minister has never changed. Praise God!

