I Am Thankful!

Recently, as my body ages, I find myself looking in the mirror. Though I may not like everything I see, some days, I just pray with my eyes open. I hope you do too. I pray like this: “Thank you God for creating me, Gene Steiner. When I was young, I didn’t know why You made me or what I was to become. But I am grateful for the body You gave me, and I celebrate that You gave me — a good mind. I thank You that You got my attention when I was young, and that early in life You started making me into the person You created me to become. Thank you God for sanctifying me and for bringing Kathy into my life and giving me 50 years with her as my wife. Thank You for our children and our grandchildren, and for using me for Your glory for decades in ministry. I know You aren’t finished with me yet, and I praise You, Father God, every day that I know You personally, that Jesus Christ has saved me, and that You have filled me with Your Holy Spirit.  Amen!”


Jesus Came to Serve


Joy and Peace