Invitation to a Lifestyle of Holiness

As a friend reminded me recently how awesome it really is that God has personally invited us to intimate fellowship with Him.

He is holy, He is love, joy, peace, patience, and wisdom. He is agape love. He is self-control. And we are invited to partake in such a holy relationship through the blood of Jesus. God invites us to a life of moral purity as well as a glorious eternal future in Heaven.  And He gives us so many opportunities to partner with Him and make a decision to accept His invitation. And if we choose wrongly and go our own way, God lovingly, woos us back by His Holy Spirit and extends to us forgiveness that we don’t deserve by His grace. His desire is that we become holy, which means to set apart unto Him.

2 Timothy 1:9 reads: “He gave us resurrection life and drew us to himself by his holy calling on our lives. And it wasn't because of any good we have done, but by his divine pleasure and marvelous grace that confirmed our union with the anointed Jesus, even before time began!”

2 Peter 1:3-4: “Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received!”

Just think of it. We have an open invitation to a life of purity and holiness extended to us by God before time began. Hallelujah!


Our Responsibilities to Other Christians


Holy Spirit Conviction