Please, Lord! Save Us!

Father God, we come to You boldly in the Name of Jesus. We give You all the praise, and we worship You.  I thank You for Your free gift of salvation.

You told us that we could pray using Jesus’ Name, and that our prayers would be answered. So today I pray for an anointing for each of us to overcome all evil attacks and situations that affect our lives. I pray that the plans of the enemy would not only be revealed, but that they would be powerfully thwarted throughout our nation and the nation of Israel. Save us, we pray!

I pray for a great outpouring of Your Spirit and that You will send a revival and renewal here in America. I pray for a double portion of joy and peace to come upon us and that we would know that in every circumstance You are in control, for You are Lord of all!

We are not ruled by chance. You have a divine destiny and plan for our lives. Our faith and trust are in You alone. We believe this as we pray in the Name of Jesus! Amen!

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope" ~~ Jeremiah 29:11 (GOD's WORD).

