Recalling My Christian Media Career

During my Christian media career, one of the most rewarding aspects has been having a part of spreading the gospel message on through the media and seeing or learning of the results: salvations, healings, and people growing closer in their relationship to God. I am so grateful for what God has done.

Yet I always keep things in perspective that all these "good works” are solely for His glory. I won’t ever take credit for any of it — not get into pride, or try to take ownership, or feel like any of it was due to my efforts. I’ve simply have been about His business. Even today in my intercessory prayer ministry, I am so aware that it’s God who connects me with individuals I pray with over the phone. I hear His voice, spread His love, and leave the results to His Holy Spirit. He is the One Who chooses who my phone system dials. It may seem random, but God is directing all of it for His glory.

        “And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation'" ~~ Mark 16:15.

        “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes" ~~ Romans 1:16 (ESV).


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Living a Life of Gratitude and Generosity