The Eclipse

Today is the long awaited day. My home here in Kyle, Texas is in the path of solar eclipse totality!

We may not be able to see the actual solar eclipse because of cloud cover, but it definitely will be dark and significantly cooler outside as the moon totally blocks the sun for a few minutes, which is pictured in the photo of the eclipse above.

This is an amazing event not to occur again within my lifetime.

Some have connected it to Bible prophecy and God speaking to us in America to repent in order to avoid the catastrophic judgment as was prophesied “As in the days of Jonah, so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.”

We all know the story of Jonah and how after he came ashore after being in the belly of the big fish for three days, he preached to the people of Nineveh, and the people repented within the prophesied 40 day time period.

I don’t know if we in America have 40 days or if God plans to judge us as a land. But our national motto is: “In God we trust!”  There are many believers in North America; and we are praying for a mighty revival to sweep our land.


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