The Spirit of Generosity

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us—so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations”~~ Psalms 67:1-2 (NIV)

The warmth and brightness of June remind us of the abundant blessings that God showers upon His people. The sun’s light and the blossoming of nature reflect the grace and generosity of our Creator. Psalms 67:1-2 beautifully encapsulates this sentiment, urging us to recognize God’s grace and blessings, and to share His love so that His ways may be known throughout the earth.

Reflecting on God’s Blessings

This is a powerful reminder that the blessings we receive are not meant to be hoarded but need to be shared. Our gratitude for God’s grace should inspire us to extend our hands in generosity, making His presence known through our actions.

The Spirit of Generosity

Now that we are in the first month of summer, this is a perfect time to reflect on how we can be conduits of God’s blessings. The longer days and the joy of the season often bring opportunities to connect with others, serve our communities, and support causes that are close to our hearts.

In this spirit, we invite you to consider contributing to our ministry —  VictoryInChrist.One.

Your generous contributions support our intercessory prayer team and its outreaches to the men and women, boys and girls, who need prayer the most. And we are so grateful to God for answered prayers!


Billy Graham on 4th of July

