We Are Creative

I love to be creative; and I am thankful for the decades that God used me to produce and direct Christian television programs that blessed hundreds of thousands of folks through the years — from Bible teaching, to concerts, family videos, and even sporting events.

I love to collaborate with others to produce something that takes a team effort  — especially to create a production that brings glory to God.

I know that God isn’t finished with me yet in this area.

Another aspect of creativity has to do with my model train hobby. Through the years I have built several layouts complete with landscaping, buildings, and realistic model train accessories. I’m working on a new one right now because I love to be creative.  Now, I’m not much of a mechanic, but I do love working with wood. As a young man I created pencil sketches, too. These are things that I enjoy.

Recently, much of my creativity is through writing and publishing on my website VictoryInChrist.one

Our God is the Creator Who made and set into motion the stars, planets, our world with its moon, all the plants and animals, and finally mankind. How I praise Him for the beauty and perfection of His original creation. Above all, I simply desire that everything that I do and create is Holy Spirit led and done for His glory.

We are stewards of God’s creation, and He honors those who care for it and use their God-given skills to  build it up. But we are not to worship the creation, for worship belongs to God alone.

“He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers—all of them skilled workers and designers” ~~ Exodus 35:35.

“They traded the truth of God for a lie. They bowed down and worshiped the things God made instead of worshiping the God who made those things. He is the one who should be praised forever. Amen.” ~~ Romans 1:25 (ERV).



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