What Is Success?

They say that 80% of success is simply showing up each day. My intent is to continue to bring your prayer requests before the Lord — daily in intercession for those on my prayer list — worshipping our Heavenly Father and thanking Him for sending Jesus as our Savior, and for filling us with the Holy Spirit! How awesome it is, that we have access and are able to enter His very Throne Room with boldness and let our petitions be known. And as the Word says, we “Ask and receive that our joy may be full!” ~~ John 16:24. And Joshua 1:7-8 reads in the TPT: “You must remain very strong and courageous! Be faithful to obey all the teaching that my servant Moses commanded you to follow. Do not deviate from him to the right or to the left, so that you will have overwhelming success in everything you undertake.”


The Aaronic Blessing


Healing Hands