Why Should We Trust God?

Here’s why we should Trust in God:

  • He knows you by name! Isaiah 43:1-3

  • Jesus Christ died to redeem you. John 3:16

  • He will fight for you. Deuteronomy 20:4

  • He thinks about you. Psalms 139:17

  • He has great plans for you. Jeremiah 29:11

  • He is the Way, Truth & Life.

  • John 14:6

  • He is your refuge and strength. Psalms 62:6-8

  • Jesus loves you! This I know! Romans 5:8

  • Christ is IN you. Romans 8:10; Colossians 1:27

  • He is always with you! Matthew 28:20

  • He NEVER FAILS! Joshua 21:45


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